
Tanzania to welcome African Green Revolution Forum

The second African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) will take place in Tanzania’s Arusha region this September as it looks to address developments within Africa’s agricultural sector

To be held from 26-28 September 2012, AGRF 2012 will bring together African heads of states, ministers, private agribusiness firms, financial institutions, farmers and NGOs to discuss Africa’s farming industry and the potential of its small-scale farmers.

Former secretary-general of the UN Kofi Annan will chair the forum, while Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete will host the three-day event.

Organisers have said they hope AGRF 2012 will follow on from recent discussions, such as those held at the World Economic Forum 2012 and G8 summit, and will achieve concrete investment plans to support African agricultural development success.

Jørgen Ole Haslestad, CEO of agricultural solutions firm Yara and co-chair of AGRF 2012, said, “Public- and private-sector leaders are joining forces in unprecedented ways to ensure a more food-secure future.

“We have seen great success when players come together and invest strategically and we hope to build on new momentum and work together to transform agriculture in Africa.”

Haslestad has been confirmed as one of the forum’s key speakers, along with African Development Bank president Donald Kaberuka and Kanayo Nwanze, president of the International Fund for Agricultural development.