
Triott webinar on the future of feed milling

Triott will hold the third episode its Feed Forward webazine with contributions from leading players from three continents plus expert analysis from Inteqnion and Ottevanger Milling Services

The third episode will be hosted by Ottevanger Milling Services and Inteqnion, and is set to drop at 11am CET on 17 December – with an eye very firmly on the future.

Entitled: ‘The future of feed milling: what’s in store?’, the episode focuses on how new technology and thinking is shaping the industry – including the practical opportunities and benefits this presents to the feed mill, both short-and-long term.

Viewers will learn how greater use of data and digitalisation can enable them to produce feed more consistently, with less people, at a lower cost; and even create new revenue streams by connecting outside the mill to customers and other third parties via the cloud – and using the information to deliver potential new added-value services.

Contents include:

• Valuable insight and advice from feed millers and independent experts in the United States, Europe and South America on how they are using technology now – and in the future.

• Explanations from the Triott team on what the technology jargon means and how it benefits feed mill customers on a practical level – in everything from maintenance to quality control.

• A glimpse into the long-term future, gleaned from a long-running internal Triott project called Milling 2030 – including concepts like the ‘digital twin’ and ‘milling as a service’. 

Triott’s recently appointed head of innovation and technique, Rene Ottevanger, will be joined by three guests via video link: Mario Cesar Ocampo, CEO from NutriAvicola in Columbia; Wayne Cooper a veteran American consultant and former feed mill manager; and Albert Getkate, a Dutch independent senior consultant to the feed industry, focused on turning strategy into action. Rene will then be joined by Marijn Laurensse, the recently appointed managing director of Triott’s Inteqnion business – which has been providing digital and automation solutions to the industry for 25 years; and Auke Markerink, who heads up customer accounts for Ottevanger Milling Engineers.

As with previous episodes, viewers will be able to submit questions and comments throughout the broadcast via livestream – which on this occasion the team will be answered during and after the transmission, either directly or via social media.

“Because it has been such a challenging year for everyone in the industry, we wanted to end 2020 on a positive and forward-looking note by exploring the untapped potential for feed milling in the future,” said Rene. “A major aspect of my new role at Triott is to identify how new technologies and techniques can benefit our customers both today and longer term – and I look forward to sharing our thoughts on both topics in this latest Feed Forward episode.”

This third episode of the Feed Forward livestream follows a successful first two episodes that have reached more than 1,300 views combined: the first focused on the Graincam, a digital measurement tool that automatically gathers data on kernel size distribution and displays it in real-time, 24-7; the second was hosted by Triott’s storage specialist TSC, and outlined how and why square storage systems can deliver greater efficiency, flexibility and safety for feedmills

Feed Forward episode 4 is already in development and is scheduled for broadcast in Q1 2021. Entitled: ‘Conditioning: how does your feed measure up?’, it will feature practical steps and advice on improving the condition of feed, along with the optimum technology set-up to achieve it.