
AquaBioTech Group hosts delegation from AZOFFA of Ghana

Given their expertise in feed formulation and nutritional testing, the AquaBioTech Group offered assistance to members of AZOFFA in developing their own aquafeeds. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

International consulting company, AquaBioTech Group recently hosted a delegation from the Akosombo Zone Fish Farmers Association (AZOFFA) of Ghana on 18 and 19 April this year

During their visit, AquaBioTech's Research and Development, and Innovation department showcased their projects in East Africa, illustrating how these could be applied in the Ghana and Akosombo zone. Presentations and workshops were conducted by experts to identify research needs for aquaculture in Ghana, while also discussing the challenges facing fish farming in the region. A survey on common Integrated Aquaculture/Agriculture practices in Ghana was also conducted to support the engagement of stakeholders in the PrAEctiCe Project.

On the second day of the visit, members of AquaBioTech's engineering team organised a workshop focused on developing an optimal system design to address the challenges in Tilapia production in Ghana. The aim was to enhance disease control, while also improving fingerling quality, maximising production and ensuring effective utilisation of local materials. Moreover, strategies for localising aquafeed production were also discussed.

Given their expertise in feed formulation and nutritional testing, the AquaBioTech Group offered assistance to members of AZOFFA in developing their own aquafeeds, thereby improving the overall efficiency and sustainability of aquaculture in Ghana. In addition, vocational training programmes were also explored to promote knowledge sharing and skills development for Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS). 

For more information, visit: https://aquabt.com/