
FAO along with government take initiatives to improve fisheries management in Lake Kariba

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership with the Government through the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry (MECTHI), launched the 10-year Lake Kariba Inshore Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) to achieve optimal and sustainable utilisation of fisheries resource for the benefit of humankind while also safeguarding the ecosystem

Patrice Talla, FAO Subregional Coordinator for Southern Africa and Representative to Zimbabwe stated that the FAO’s work in fisheries and aquaculture was geared towards bringing about Blue Transformation, a vision committed to building sustainability and resilience. 

The plan offers an opportunity to meet a growing demand for fish and fishery products, while maintaining a sustainable Lake Kariba socio-ecological system.

During the launch, stakeholders underlined the importance of joint-efforts to implement the plan, taking advantage of the cross-sectoral policy linkages that already exist. The launch facilitated a ‘walk-through’ of the plan’s objectives, principles, methodology and pillars of implementation in order to critique and adopt pragmatic activities. 

National fisheries key stakeholders proceeded with signing the Kariba Declaration, to confirm their support and commitment to implement a sustainable Lake Kariba Inshore Fisheries Management.  

Moreover, since Lake Kariba is a shared water resource with neighbouring Zambia, the launch called on learning and sharing of experiences to enhance sustainable transboundary inland fisheries management in the Zambezi river basin.