
'US$600mn growth p/a' for Zambia beef and dairy industry

Zambia’s beef and dairy industry has the potential to grow at four to five percentage points above the rate of GDP growth to a value of US$600mn per year within 10 years and up to as much as US$1.6 billion per year in the longer term.

“Such growth can have a major impact on the lives of many Zambians, particularly those living in non-urban areas, by expanding jobs. But Zambia’s beef and dairy industries are currently constrained by gaps in productivity and price competitiveness,” according to a new report from the World Bank.

In order to redress the situation, several actions are required, including improving infrastructure, increasing the effectiveness of disease preventions systems, making available affordable key inputs, creating an enabling regulatory environment and improving the skills and market of traditional farmers.

The report titled ‘What would it take for Zambia’s beef and dairy industries to achieve their potential’ reviewed the country’s extensive grazing lands and the strong domestic and regional demand for beef and dairy products and outlined the industries’ potential for growth.

It states that the growth in Zambia’s beef and dairy industries could make a significant contribution to jobs and prosperity for Zambians, particularly in rural areas. The industries have the potential to reduce poverty and create wealth if productivity is increased and disease prevention systems are put in place.

The report and related summary, which will be published soon as part of the Jobs and Prosperity: Building Zambia’s Competitiveness Programme, a joint venture between the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ), the private sector, civil society and cooperating partner.

By Nawa Mutumweno