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Optimising feed composition and allowance with SFR’s SowModel

The model uses the factorial approach to estimate the sow’s ultimate requirements. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

At the request of the animal feed industry, project leader Christiaan Buitink along with a pig researcher, Benthem de Grave developed the SowModel, by collecting input data using available manuals and scientific literature on the nutritional needs of sows in different life stages

The model uses the factorial approach to estimate the sow’s ultimate requirements for net energy, SID lysine, available calcium and digestible phosphorus. A number of factors including litter number and condition, development of the sow, feed composition and intake, litter size, weaning age, birth and weaning weight of the piglets, ambient temperature and straw usage are taken into consideration. 

SowModel also provides users the option to calculate two scenarios side by side. For example, the needs of a first litter and an older sow can be easily compared, with results being displayed both graphically as well as in tabular form. These needs can then be directly compared with the applied feed amount and composition. 

Using the table, users can estimate the extent to which the feed used meets the needs of the sow on each day of gestation or lactation. This enables users to make targeted choices and to adjust the feeding schedule, feed composition, stable climate or management on the sow farm where necessary to improve the zootechnical results, but also animal health and welfare.

The SowModel, which currently works as an Excel calculation tool, and is available in seven different languages, can soon be accessed via the SFR website in the near future.