In April, Aviagen strengthened their collaboration with their exclusive Ross distributor, Wadi Poultry Group, through the renewal of their Grandparent (GP) contract, which allows them to distribute Ross parent stock (PS) chicks into the Egyptian market
Mauritania's dairy sector receives million dollar financial boost
The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and Al-Mahaliya Inc. of Mauritania recently signed a US$21.4mn financing agreement for the development of a 100-metric tonnes per day dairy processing and bottling plant in Nouakchott
Protos and Volta Greentech produce climate-friendly beef to reduce methane emissions
Volta Greentech and food company Protos have partnered to significantly increase the production of more climate-friendly beef in Sweden by using Volta Greentech’s feed supplement, Lome
Ÿnsect reveals world's first genotyping chip Axiom YNS_Mol1
Ÿnsect, the world leader in insect production, on 6 June, announced the creation of a genotyping chip named Axiom YNS_Mol1, a world-first for insect breeding and a major step in the evolution of selection of larvae lines to produce insect-based proteins
Triad: Alltech's new swine product promoting successful farrowing and pig livability
Alltech has introduced Triad, an innovative solution that promotes successful farrowing and pig livability through a palatable, proprietary blend of Alltech ingredients