
African chicken project’s gender strategy document now available

The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)-led African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG) project has released its gender strategy

The strategy includes:

· Guides ACGG on how to integrate gender into its research in a meaningful, effective and feasible manner;

· Provides the basis for a common understanding in ACGG of what women’s empowerment and gender integration means in the context of the program;

· Clarifies what changes are expected, the mechanisms through which this is expected to happen and what is required from different ACGG team members; and

· Has a strong focus on ongoing learning, knowledge creation and documentation.

The ACGG gender strategy draws attention to the integration of gender into the technical research and the day-to-day development operations of the program in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania.

The document has nine sections that include background information on ACGG, a conceptual framework for ACGG’s gender integration work, introduction to the gender-responsive theory of change for ACGG, an overview of the four goals and five action areas of the strategy and gender strategy monitoring framework.

The implementation of the strategy, which was developed by the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) with contributions from key ACGG managers and staff members, is expected to help in addressing gaps in the systematic integration of gender concerns in the programme.

ACGG is a five-year agriculture research-for-development programme that is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Read the full strategy document: Gender strategy African Chicken Genetic Gains programme