
Cobb Broiler Management Guide set to unlock flock potential

The Cobb Broiler Management Guide includes expanded, updated and newly added technical expertise to help customers optimise flock performance

It covers topics such as water management, ventilation, equipment, and several other best practices in broiler management. The guide is available on the Cobb website and the Cobb Flock Management app.

Robin Jarquin, director of world tech services said, “The new broiler guide includes critical information to support more yield, better feed conversion, and healthy flocks for customers.”

The new information includes recommendations on how to reuse litter, water management – including a reference table to help evaluate water quality, management techniques and diagrams for naturally ventilated houses, and guidance for record keeping and data collecting along with sample sheets to record information.

“The guide is an industry-leading resource that helps customers raise the bar and achieve the full potential of broilers. It is one of the many ways Cobb supports customers and makes quality protein accessible, healthy, and affordable worldwide,” said Jarquin.

All management guides and supplements are housed on Cobb’s website. Additional guides cover hatchery, vaccination, brooding fundamentals, grandparent management, and processing procedures. Topic-driven white papers, technical articles, and a full range of videos are also available. To access these resources, visit