
International Egg Foundation launches manual to help egg producers

The International Egg Foundation (IEF) has released a practical manual to help upcoming commercial egg producers in developing nations

The manual, that is available in English, French and Portuguese, offers practical, actionable guidance on key areas of egg production.

It is based on extensive experience and expert knowledge from within the egg industry. It elaborately talks about the importance of biosecurity, egg management, farm set up and farm management. It is aimed at medium-sized layer farms with 100-5,000 birds.

“Our main aim as a charity is to enable those in need to improve the lives of their families and local communities, today and in the future,” said IEF chairman Tim Lambert while speaking to The Poultry Site.

“Through our Global Egg Schools programme we have identified fundamental areas where knowledge is commonly limited, such as biosecurity and layer management," he added. "We can say this from our experience that once best practices in these areas are shared, farmers will be able to significantly improve their outputs and profits.

The manual discusses and informs the farmer about egggrading, storage and distribution. It is a comprehensive guide to helping egg producers.

Assisting farmers in developing nations with efficient production will not only help farmers and their families gain access to high-quality nutrition, but also support the nutritional status of their local community through egg sales.