
VIV organises animal protein summit in Nigeria

Nigeria’s agribusiness leaders, organisations and authorities will partake in a one-day international summit to explore the development of the country’s poultry production sector

The event will take place in Nigeria’s capital city, Abuja, on 15 January 2014 and is being organised by the VIV Europe team.

Nigeria is expecting that its demand for animal protein will rise quickly over the next few years, with its population set to reach 700mn and the government has listed agriculture and food production as its top priorities to meet the challenge.

It also recently revealed that the expansion of the poultry and aquaculture sectors are a key target.

Nigeria will be the first African nation to hold an event under the official title of the VIV International Nigeria Summit, which will include some roadshow activities visiting various continents on behalf of the VIV Europe 2014 global expo for poultry and livestock husbandry and processing.

Global experts in poultry and aquaculture will host the event, providing examples of technical best practices as the foundation for the expansion of animal protein supplies from Nigerian farms.