
Moba takes precautionary measures due to COVID-19

Moba is closely monitoring the latest advice and recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO), local authorities and advice centers in different regions around the world regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19)

Aiming to take precautionary measures for the health and safety of its customers, employees, agents and the wider communities, Moba's goal is to maintain its current service level during this constantly evolving situation.

The company has implemented the following precautionary measures:

Moba has implemented guidelines, plans and measures across all offices around the world, including health and safety protocols

Moba has increased and intensified daily cleaning procedures at its facilities and has educated employees on the best practices recommended by the WHO, as well as local authorities and health advice centers

Moba is closely analysing its worldwide spare parts stock and is monitoring changes in demand. This will enable the company to respond quickly by issuing replenishment orders as soon as possible, ensuring that order fill rates can be maintained for all items

Moba is working closely with its suppliers and logistics partners to maintain the flow of machines and spare parts and/or find alternatives where supplies may be limited. When needed, the company will utilise its state-of-the-art production facilities for production, assembly and testing

Moba has robust business continuity plans across all its businesses and locations that rely on options such as working remotely and transferring work to other offices and countries when needed

Moba has limited non-essential travel in accordance with local health and safety rules and guidelines and is encouraging the use of its in-house virtual meeting tools when appropriate. In principle, scheduled installations of new equipment will be postponed and customers will be kept actively informed

Moba's HelpDesk staff and support levels will be maintained in all its offices worldwide. Where travel is necessary and possible, Moba will work closely with its customers and agents to ensure the best and safest method of visiting facilities

Moba is committed to being a reliable partner for egg grading, packing and processing solutions and will continue to give the best possible support for its customers.