
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the European Union (EU) have officially handed over the completed Kwacjok Bridge to the Government of South Sudan that links Lunyaker, Kwacjok and Kangi regions for long separated by the Jur River

TOMRA, food safety technology provider, has launched near infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy, fluorescent lighting and advanced lasers to analyse and identify the extremely low intensity of light reflected by aflatoxin mould and fungus in a variety of food types, enabling the detection of aflatoxin contamination

Pan-African telecommunications, media and technology group Econet and global crop nutrition provider Yara International ASA have launched ‘Generation Africa,’ a partnership initiative to inspire young African entrepreneurs to join the agri-food sector for its viable business opportunities

For South African software firms with a focus on agriculture and logistics sectors, John Deere has unveiled its online operations centre solution, a centralised farm management platform that collects machine, logistic and agronomic data to help farmers and their advisors to make more informed decisions

The World Bank Board of Directors has approved a US$750mn International Development Association (IDA) credit to support the government of Kenya’s reforms to enhance inclusive growth, accelerate poverty reduction and achieve its Vision 2030 objective of becoming a middle-income industrialised country

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