
Bringing down farmers' costs with CultiWise drone

CultiWise is an advanced farm software from Czech startup Skymaps, which allows farmers to generate high-precision 'prescription maps' within hours using the entry-level CultiWise drone. (Image source: CultWise)

The new CultiWise software offers cost savings and yield benefits of upto 20%, along with a return on investment in the first season

In comparison to satellite images which are weather-dependant, drone images are more reliable, and offer precise maps for variable rate application of fertiliser, fungicide and growth regulator. Farmers often rely on satellite images to programme spraying equipment to apply the required amount of fertiliser, fungicide and plant growth regulator. This variable rate application targets particular crop zones, but cloudy conditions could delay critical decisions that could ultimately affect yield. This is where the new CultiWise drone comes handy.

CultiWise is an advanced farm software from Czech startup Skymaps, which allows farmers to generate high-precision 'prescription maps' within hours using the entry-level CultiWise drone. The software was developed by a team of 25 CultWise engineers by applying data from hundreds of European farms, ranging from small-scale to 30,000 ha. It enables farmers from anywhere in the world to upload drone images in preparation for imminent spraying or spreading. Prescription maps are produced within minutes to hours and help in pinpointing the zones that require different amounts of fertiliser, fungicide or plant growth regulator. The maps also inform the farmer of the expected volume savings.

Capable of mapping more than 200 ha per flight hour, the new compact CultiWise drone, which complements the software feature, offers not only speed but also centimeter-level accuracy, a requirement when targeting particular crop zones. Farmers cangenerate and upload images using either multispectral or RGB drone cameras. CultiWise offers a range of solutions, including prescription maps for spot spraying, crop monitoring, plant counting, and yield potential maps. 

In regard to spot-spraying, also known as variable rate application, the precise spraying process ideally depends on the accuracy of the prescription maps that apportion crop protection and pesticides. With access to detailed field data provided as maps, the spraying equipment automatically adjusts the nozzles to apply the right amount of fertiliser, fungicide, or plant growth regulator. The system supports all main crops, including corn, winter wheat, soybean, sugar beet, sunflower, rape seed, potatoes and onions.

“Our prescription maps derived from drones delivers reliable instructions and this will result in reduced pesticide and fertiliser use and therefore lower costs," stated Chief Technology Officer at Skymaps, Kornel Cziria. "Unlike conventional spraying, where all crops are sprayed with the same volume, with this method we change the amount in strong and weak crop zones. This results in cost savings and higher yields,” added Cziria.