
Case IH named new distributor in Mozambique

Agricultural equipment manufacturer Case IH has announced it has chosen Entreposto Comercial de Moçambique as its new distributor

The new partnership was celebrated with a field day, at the Instituto Superior Politécnico de Manica, the polytechnic institute based in the city of Chimoio.

The event welcomed more than 100 highly qualified guests including the Manica provincial director of finance Virgulino Nhate, the head of the local government of the Vanduzi district, Eugénio Lambo, Case IH said.

“Case IH is a premium brand we are very familiar with,” stated Paulo Ferreira, business director at Entreposto Comercial de Moçambique.

“Our parent company has been successfully selling Case IH agricultural equipment for more than 30 years in Portugal and, based on this long-term relationship, we are now ready to support the brand’s offering in Mozambique.”

The one-day field demonstration provided an opportunity to showcase the Case IH brand and its range of farming equipment, available in the country under the new agreement with Entreposto Comercial de Moçambique.