Case IH displays agricultural solutions at ADMA Agrishow in Zimbabwe

Case IH, the global agricultural equipment leader, has played a starring role in Zimbabwe’s fourth annual ADMA Agrishow from 14-16 June 2018

Case IH displayed its wide range of machinery and equipment during the show. Case IH displayed its Axial-Flow 7140 combine at the Agrishow plus a range of medium-power Puma and higher-power Magnum tractors, as well as the entry-level 36 kW JX45T and the mighty 410 kW Steiger 550. The full-line agricultural equipment provider also gave one of the first public showings of its new 2000 Series Early Riser® planter, which enables faster and more uniform crop emergence.

All of the machines that appeared in Case IH’s service bay during the two-day event had been working hard on farms in Zimbabwe, some for many years. This allowed Agrishow visitors to see for themselves the robustness and durability of Case IH equipment, as well as the expertise of the mechanics employed by the brand’s distributor, Agricon.

Jason Smith, chief operating officer at Agricon, commented, “Case IH is renowned for designing and manufacturing the best agricultural equipment in the world, and Agricon takes pride in providing the best technical advice and customer support there is. We also appreciate how important it is to provide Zimbabwe’s farmers with full-service solutions at the right price. Some people said our approach to this year’s Agrishow was ‘brave,’ but we had every confidence it would demonstrate how seriously we take customer-support and servicing - and how robust and durable Case IH equipment is.”

The ADMA Agrishow is organised by the Agricultural Dealers and Manufacturers Association to highlight the benefits of modern farming practices and mechanisation.

Case IH is providing meaningful assistance to this progress, in Zimbabwe and elsewhere in Africa, with its world-class equipment and customer support. This commitment was recognised recently when Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Agriculture selected Case IH to supply 20 Axial-Flow® 5140 combines, which are designed for mid-sized arable operations. Case IH’s Axial-Flow single-rotor technology has revolutionised combine harvesting with its simplicity, grain quality, grain savings, and crop adaptability.