
New Holland wins silver medal at the Agritechnica Innovation Award 2017

New Holland Agriculture has been awarded the Silver Medal by the independent expert committee appointed by the DLG German Agricultural Society for its CR Revelation combines

“This innovative feature addresses one of the biggest challenges for combine operators, maintaining maximum throughput levels while keeping losses and the percentage of damaged grain at low levels,” said Lars Skjoldager Sørensen, head of harvesting product line.

Once past yields, field topography and all combine settings based on GPS positioning data are programmed into the combine, during the first pass of the following harvest campaign, the system will interpolate the data and the setting system will respond rapidly to varying conditions, said the company.

“The proactive system relies on traditional sensors and control systems that have been supplemented by industry first cleaning shoe load sensing, Field and Yield prediction and remote rotor vanes. The operator can choose different operation modes ranging from maximum throughput to maximum grain quality, always optimising power efficiency. Using the data stored into the system, the combine will optimise its settings by itself, and before the header actually starts cutting and taking in the crop,” stated the company.

The new pressure sensors aim to measure the load of the cleaning shoe, by giving a very precise indication of the cleaning shoe load.

New Holland further added, “If losses do occur, the system is able to immediately identify the cause and make the necessary corrections very fast. This translates into faster and smaller corrections to the sieve opening and fan speed, resulting in the cleaning shoe performing at higher capacity level in a stable way.”

“This, in turn, enables the operator to increase productivity with the added advantage of not having to continuously make manual adjustments, significantly reducing fatigue.”