Experts leading research into sustainable cooling have received a US$10.95mn boost that secures work at the Africa Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold-chain (ACES) until 2025
Machinery & Equipment
The greening of the earth is approaching its limit
A new study published in Science reveals that the fertilising effect of excess CO2 on vegetation is decreasing worldwide
Radar is a better ultrasonic: VEGA
Jürgen Skowaisa, product manager Radar at VEGA Grieshaber KG in Schiltach, Germany, speaks about their new series of sensors
Modern solutions to blueberry pack house challenges
Pack houses are facing new challenges with constant changes in the blueberry business
Juwel 6 completes LEMKEN plough range
LEMKEN is set to introduce a new addition to the family, the little brother of the Juwel 7, 8 and 10 mounted reversible ploughs