UN’s food assistance branch World Food Programme (WFP) has donated 60 solar grain dryers worth US$39,104.64 to smallholder farmers in Rwanda
Machinery & Equipment
GeoPoll and Control Union tap mobile technology to educate African farmers
US-based GeoPoll has partnered with agricultural inspection and safety service provider Control Union to utilise mobile surveys to engage and educate smallholder farmers in Africa
Web tool tracks agricultural investments in Africa
The Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System - Eastern and Central Africa (ReSAKSS-ECA) has launched a new web tool to track investments made for African agriculture
Tanzanian farmers to benefit from weather station technology
The Tea Research Institute of Tanzania (TRIT) in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will install automatic weather stations in all tea growing regions of Tanzania
Nigerian state to support farmers with modern farm equipment
Nigeria’s Delta State has announced that it would support the farmers of the region with modern tractor equipment worth US$5.5mn in 2015