
Pöttinger introduces new tedder for small farms

Pöttinger has introduced the trailed 6-rotor HIT 6.80 T with a working width of 7.45 metres for small farms

Integrating the latest technical developments from its newest tedder models into the HIT 6.80 T, the company has brought its professional technology to smaller farms, where, thanks to its low power requirement, the tedder can be used with smaller tractors.

The new trailed HIT 6.80 T can be hitched either to a linkage bar or by using a drawbar. The large tyres ensure smooth transport on the road. The tedder also features Hydrolift technology to provide high ground clearance at headlands. The transport height is four metres.

Pöttinger has now incorporated the innovative rotor units and booms used on its newest tedders on the smaller HIT models too, to guarantee ‘clean and tidy’ operation; a tidy pick-up; clean forage; tidy distribution pattern; and a clean machine. These are the key advantages of the company’s DynaTech rotor unit.

On the HIT 6.80 T, Pöttinger also offers hydraulic fenceline tedding as an option. The rotor diametre of 1.67 metres with six curved tine arms ensures optimum tedding quality and ground tracking. The unique rotor geometry ensures that forage is picked up more easily and is subjected to less of a beating between the tine arms, meaning lower losses due to disintegration. The tines are under less stress and thus have a longer life. The spreading angle can be adjusted on each rotor in five steps without extra tools.