Partnership announced to test new methane eradicating technology

Ambient Carbon’s mission is to develop and commercialize effective, safe, and scalable technologies that mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Denmark-based company, Ambient Carbon has announced its new partnership with Benton Group Dairies to field-test a prototype of Ambient Carbon’s Methane Eradication Photochemical System (MEPS)

This first-of-a-kind non-invasive technology helps remove methane from airy barn exhaust. Ambient Carbon also has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Danone North America which sources milk from Benton. This month, the company will install methane monitors at Benton's dairy farm in Ambia, Indiana in preparation for installing and testing a MEPS field prototype in early 2025. 

On 2 October, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) released a new report on the need and potential for atmospheric methane removal. MEPS is a point-source methane removal system which is the only scalable, cost-effective solution for eradicating low-concentration (non-flammable) methane from cattle and manure, as well as other point sources. It uses a patented gas-phase photochemical process that combines chlorine atoms and UV light in a reaction chamber, mimicking a natural process of methane destruction in the atmosphere.  As dairy barn air is cycled through MEPS, it breaks down methane at its source, preventing its release into the ambient air. The chlorine atoms are generated onsite via electrolysis of saltwater, and after eradicating 80-90% of the methane, the chlorine is recycled in a closed system.  

While the Indiana tests are underway, Ambient Carbon will also test another MEPS field prototype in Denmark as part of the AgriFoodTure PERMA Project, which includes Northern European dairy cooperative Arla, and is publicly funded by Innovation Fund Denmark and the EU’s NextGenerationEU

“We believe that by 2030, Ambient Carbon will be eliminating well over one gigaton of CO2 equivalent annually by destroying methane from dairy barns and other low-concentration methane sources such as wastewater treatment plants and biogas plants,” said Ambient Carbon’s co-founder and COO, David S Miller, while Chris Williams, conservation lead at Benton Dairies also expressed his enthusiasm regarding their collaboration with Ambient Carbon.