Pöttinger, the specialist for tillage and seed drill technology, has introduced its new range of AEROSEM pneumatic seed drills
Almost 60% of people worried about food safety
A global study of worry and risk – the first-ever Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll – has revealed the global state of food and water safety
Hytera DMR radios increase productivity in the agricultural sector
Farm managers need to be in constant contact with arable and livestock teams, and workers in packing houses, grain stores and livestock sheds need to coordinate tasks efficiently and keep track of progress
Business models in vertical farming: IDTechEx
The concept of vertical farming, the idea that crops can be grown much more efficiently indoors under controlled environmental conditions than conventional farmland would have been possible, has captured the imagination of entrepreneurs and investors alike, with dozens of start-ups around the world raising ever-increasing amounts of investor capital
Innovative post-harvest treatment, digital agriculture can help tackle food loss and waste
Innovative post-harvest treatment, digital agriculture and food systems and re-modelling market channels offer huge potential to tackle the challenges of food loss and waste, said FAO director-general QU Dongyu