
AfDB approves agricultural strategies to boost economy in Eritrea

The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) has approved the bank’s intervention strategy in Eritrea for 2017-2019, to support the country’s economic and social development through agricultural transformation

The Interim Country Strategy Paper (I-CSP) aims to provide scope for investments in the north-eastern African country and improve access to inputs and agricultural technology.

According to AfDB, the bank focuses on transforming the agricultural sector as the pathway to promot inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Eritrea.

In addition, AfDB’s initiative further emphasises on job creation, skills development and entrepreneurship in agriculture, particularly for the youth and regions that are considered to be below national service delivery indicators.

“Interventions in the agricultural sector aim at transforming the sector to unlock its full inclusive and sustainable growth and development potential by enhancing production, productivity, value-addition, marketing fruits and vegetables, horticulture and dairy products within the region,” said the bank.

Theese are also expected to promote greater inclusivity by increasing incomes and employment, with a focus on underserved women, youths and regions.

In addition, AfDB will also provide technical assistance, advisory services and advocacy informed by appropriate knowledge works to enhance the government’s delivery of basic social services.

The strategy includes important cross-cutting themes such as improving governance, reducing gender inequalities, developing skills and adaptation to climate change.

The implementation of this strategy coincides with approval of the 4th Cycle Assessment of country eligibility for transition support facility resources.

In approving the strategy, the bank raised issues of governance and emphasised the need for continued engagement to help the country in building institutional capacity.