
Data-driven improvements in West Africa's agri-food trade

The workshop brought together ECOWAS Commission staff, national statistical offices, trade promotion organisations, and regional research institutes from across the ECOWAS region. (Image source: International Trade Centre)

A five-day workshop aimed at strengthening food trade in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), was held from 4-8 March in Abuja, Nigeria 

By bringing together ECOWAS Commission staff, national statistical offices, trade promotion organisations, and regional research institutes from across the ECOWAS region, the workshop aimed to enhance how agri-food policies and services are managed. Using data tools can reveal how foods fit into value chains, while also enabling better analysis of the export potential of key commodities. 

Conducted within the framework of the ECOWAS Agricultural Trade (EAT) programme, the event shed light on export potential and value chain methodologies, with a specific focus on intra-regional trade in the agri-food sector. Priority products targeted by the EAT programme include cassava, corn, rice, tomatoes, pineapple and onions. Participants at the workshop not only learned to navigate agri-food trade data, specifically on these priority products, but also engaged in practical activities and interactive sessions to develop strategies for advancing agri-food value chains

Moreover, participants also collaborated to chart a course towards a more sustainable and prosperous future, with their dedication and insights setting the stage for meaningful progress in agri-food trade within ECOWAS. Along with support from the West Africa Association for Cross-Border Trade (WACTAF), the workshop complemented official trade statistics with information available on informal cross border trade provided by the ECOWAS Informal Cross Border Trade database.