
Eight governing council meeting of Africa Fertilizer Financing Mechanism

The Africa Fertilizer Financing Mechanism (AFFM) will convene its eight Governing Council (GC) meeting on 24 January 2020, at the African Development Bank (AfDB), CCIA building in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

The meeting is set to review the AFFM’s 2019 annual report, its 2020 work programme and administrative matters. Council members will discuss resource mobilisation efforts to support the implementation of the Mechanism’s future activities.

The Council, chaired by Ambassador Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, African Union Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, comprises 13 representatives from development institutions, research and extension bodies, donors, African farmers’ organisations and fertiliser development agencies.

Members meet at least once a year to decide the general direction and vision of the AFFM. They also set its priorities, objectives and milestones.

The Abidjan meeting is expected to share with members the agenda for the preparation of the upcoming Abuja II Summit, where African leaders and actors of the fertiliser value chain will evaluate progress since the 2006 Abuja Declaration and chart the way forward.