
FAR pays ZMK1.9tn to farmers

The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) has paid out over ZMK1.9tn to farmers countrywide who sold their maize to the agency during the just ended crop marketing season


According to a statement issued by FRA spokesperson Mwamba Siame, the outstanding balance as at November 25, 2011 stands at ZMK289.3bn.

“The outstanding balances for farmers in Eastern Province is ZMK127.5 billion followed by Southern Province with ZMK66.6bn, Central Province ZMK44.8bn, Northern ZMK29bn and Copperbelt ZMK14bn,” she explained.

The FRA has cleared payments in North Western, Luapula, Lusaka and Western provinces.

She said the FRA will pay farmers in the remaining provinces as and when it receives outstanding government grant of ZMK289.3bn.

The organization purchased maize and paddy rice valued at about ZMK2.3tn before the end of the marketing season on October 31, 2011 and November 30, 2011 respectively.


By Nawa Mutumweno