
FCTA plan to boost Nigerian potato farming

Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory (FCT) has attempted to enhance food security and employment numbers for the region’s potato farmers, according the FCT Administration (FCTA) secretary for agriculture and rural development Olvadi Madayi

Working with the Potato Farmers Association of Nigeria (POFAN), the FCTA ran a campaign supporting an improved variety of sweet potato in FCT region Gwagwalada.

The orange flesh sweet potatoes held significant medical and economic potential, claimed Madayi.

“The production of the new crop will enhance job opportunities for unemployed youths, reduce poverty and improve income generation for our farmers," Madayi said.

The FCTA official added, “It serves as raw material for the manufacture of glucose and is a rich source of vitamin A.”

POFAN national president Daniel Okafor said that promotion of the improved potato variety will boost food security.