
Kenyan farmers adopt alternative farming techniques to combat climate change

With the constant change in climatic conditions, millions of Kenyan farmers are being forced to find and adopt alternative techniques such as organic farming to dodge the hurdles of climate change

Organic farming is believed to be one of the best ways to deal with climate change, a recent report by Agrifocus Africa mentioned. According to the FAO, an estimated 80% of the global food produce comes from smallholder family farms. However, as a result of climate change impacts, farmers have been urging COP27 leaders to increase adaption finance and move on from climate-sensitive livelihoods like rain-fed agriculture to more diverse and low input agricultural methods. 

The Ministry has advised farmers to explore agricultural technologies such as irrigation, along with climate-smart technologies such as organic farming instead of solely depending on rain-fed agriculture. Organic farming is believed to provide farmers with management practices, thus allowing them to adapt to climate change by strengthening agro-ecosystems and diversifying crops, while at the same time, educating farmers about techniques that can aid in effectively combatting climate change. 

There is an urgent need for resilient, high-quality seeds for small-scale farmers, mentioned the report by Agrifocus Afica. QU Dungu, director general of FAO noted during the COP27 summit that the organisation had been constantly working to help farmers achieve a brighter future.