
Omor community express interest in smart agriculture project

During the Omor-In-Focus ceremony, Chris Oranu Chidume, Eze Igulube, Eze-Anaukwu, of Omor Kingdom expressed readiness in leveraging Governor Charles Soludos smart agriculture project

While addressing the ceremony, he noted that the project would notably improve the productivity of the community, while also tremondously boosting the GDP of both the state and the country. In addition to this, he also urged the government to provide the community with a College of Agriculture since the state lacked a university. He believed that doing so would also significantly reduce post-harvest losses, especially during the monsoon months.  

According to a report published by The Nation, the royal father mentioned that addressing the issues of the community would not only make Omor an economic hub, but would also promote rapid industrialisation in the next five years.