The Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) is adopting a new policy to provide support services, farming products and inputs to the cocoa farmers through their registered cooperatives
Somalia implements Drought Impact Response Plan
The Federal Government of Somalia and the aid community are together implementing a Drought Impact Response Plan which is set to provide critical life-saving assistance to 4.5mn Somalis by the end of the year at a cost of US$686mn
‘Avocados, coffee and citrus fruit threaten global food security’
A study by researchers at University of Maryland found how Western appetites for foods like avocados, coffee and citrus fruit are threatening global food security, having looked at 40 years of data
ICRC helps farming community in Nigeria’s Wuro Dadi
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has helped conflict-affected families in Wuro Dadi, north-eastern Nigeria, by rebuilding houses, distributing maize and rice seeds for planting and providing cash to purchase fertiliser and farming or fishing tools
AfDB, Portugal and Cabo Verde to accelerate agribusiness, private sector development
The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the governments of Cabo Verde and Portugal have signed a country-specific memorandum of understanding to implement the Lusophone Compact, which aims to transform sectors such as agriculture transformation, blue economy and small industry to support inclusive growth in Portuguese-speaking African countries