

As part of the capacity building agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Libya, FAO representation to Libya is delivering a training workshop to cadres from the Libyan Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Marine Wealth, in collaboration with the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA)

Five Senegalese entrepreneurs have been selected to receive six months of business incubation and US$2,000 seed-funding from the Senegal Start-Up Accelerator to kick-start their business

TANZANIA Agricultural Transformation Grant (TATG) has intended its commitment to develop a region-wide strategic plan for improving sunflower farming and addressing challenges facing farmers in the area

Leading organisations in agricultural policy, trade and technology transfer met in Nairobi from 13 -14 December 2018 to identify the implementation of harmonised seed regulations within the eastern and southern Africa region and develop an action plan towards eliminating challenges

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