
SOA-Mitsinjo gets young farmers involved in agroecological practices

Technical and field trainings on resilient agriculture, water management and soil fertility management by Syndicate des Organisations Agricoles (SOA)-Mitsinjo has resulted in young farmers from Analamanga region of central Madagascar getting involved in reforestation and agroecological practice more than ever before

The organisation is involved in production and processing of fruits and vegetables. Young members of SOA-Mitsinjo have been trained on how to seize market opportunities and improve their entrepreneurial skills. The training has given young farmers the idea to start planting both fruit and forest trees, which is helping in the reforestation process in the country.

The activity contributes to the Government of Madagascar’s goal of reaching at least 40,000 ha of reforestation per year. Before the training, many young farmers lacked interest in resilient agriculture, not seeing the benefit of this to their community and their livelihoods.

SOA-Mitsinjo also benefits from activities organised by the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF), a partnership hosted by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) that aims at supporting forest and agricultural producers' organisations to increase their technical and commercial capacities so that they can play their crucial role in combating climate change and improving food security.

Ratefiarison Edinah from Antanetibe Mahazza village, one of the young farmers who has benefitted from the training, says the training has given her insight on a better method to control pests on her farmland and that now she is aware of the importance of planting more trees in her community.

Ever since attending the training, the young farmers have not only developed fruit and forestry plant production activities, but also adopted organic techniques to control pests on their farmlands. This innovation has raised strong awareness among young people about agroforestry as well as agroecological practices.

This process has improved market opportunities for the participating young people and opened doors to new partnerships, particularly with the private sector. With the knowledge acquired, SOA-Mitsinjo has set up a reforestation zone in the communities and many young people are interested in agroforestry and agroecology.