
TİKA supports female producers from Nigeria

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) provided booths and equipment to the Nigerian Confederation of Female Producers, which represented Niger at the 12th edition of SAFEM, held by the Agency of the International Trade Show for Womens Crafts in Niger

SAFEM is held biennially by the Agency of the International Trade Show for Women's Crafts. Hundreds of female African producers and manufacturers from 28 countries participated in the event that was held in Niamey, the capital of Niger.

Members of the confederation came to Niamey from various parts of Niger for the trade show contribute to the household and national economy by offering their local products to consumers. The trade show also supports tourism as it attracts foreign visitors from various countries.

Mustafa Türker Arı, the Republic of Turkey’s ambassador to Niamey and Tanju Polat, TİKA’s assistant coordinator in Niamey, visited the confederation’s booths, which were supported by TİKA. Female producers presented their local products and stated that they were very happy about TİKA’s support.

TİKA continues to stand in solidarity with female producers by carrying out vocational training and donation activities in various industries.