
Two organic agricultural projects completed in Namibia

Two organic agricultural projects funded by the Environmental Investment Fund (EIF) of Namibia have been implemented successfully in Omusati region

Using EIF funding, Greenfields Namibia has set up an organic fertiliser outlet at Outapi while the Olushanda Horticultural Producers’ Association (OHPA) has implemented the use of conservation agriculture in their operations.

Speaking at the opening of the Greenfields outlet, EIF CEO Benedict Libanda said that the organic fertiliser was made without chemicals, which have been associated with destruction of soil structure and water holding capacity in the past. “The farmers at Olushandja tried out the fertiliser and the results have been very impressive,” said Libanda.

The use of conservation agriculture by OHPA has the primary aim to ensure the longevity of the soil, as well as preservation of water and energy involved in the crop cultivation process.

Erignus Endjala, governor of Omusati, said that the promotion of organic farming will contribute to food security, nutrition and income security. He emphasised that organic fertilisers sustain the soil and cited the Olushandja project as proof that through best practices, environmental approaches such as the use of organic fertilisers, minimum soil tillage and drip irrigation methods, self-sufficiency and environmental protection can be attained.

EIF is a state agency whose primary aim is to contribute to the development agenda of the country by placing emphasis on the utilisation of natural resources, value addition on such resources and promoting best industrial practices.