
Quality SA Sultana from South Africa key to growing demand in UK

As the retailer and wholesaler demand for sultanas in the UK is currently rising due to their competitive pricing and good quality, the South African raisin industry is taking advantage of the trend with their rebranded SA Sultana variety, which offers excellent value for money.

Raisins South Africa, a non-profit organisation that represents raisin growers, has confirmed that 77% of all SA Sultanas have this year been graded as choice grade, meaning that South Africa continues to offer the highest-quality sultanas. 

South African Sultanas are produced in the Orange River region. This region in the Northern Cape experiences exceptional levels of sunshine, an average 10.5 hours every day between January and March, which is when the fruit is harvested and naturally sun dried. Ranging from 33-38°C, the region’s dry, sunny climate, along with the ample supply of water from the rivers, makes ideal growing conditions to cultivate the highest quality sultanas. 

South Africa has grown to become the fifth largest raisin production region in the world, with more than 80% of its dried fruit shipped to 72 markets globally. The production estimates revealed that South Africa is currently the leading producer of raisins and sultanas in the Southern Hemisphere, with an estimated 58,000 tonnes of dried fruit expected to be produced by the end of this year.