
Morocco to record a 12% rise in citrus fruit production

Citrus fruit production in Morocco is expected to reach an estimated 2.55 mmt in 2021/2022, registering a 12% rise from the previous period

Favourable weather conditions and increase in the area harvested is said to be the reason for the good performance. Among all citrus fruits, tangerine is expected to attain the highest production growth during the period under review by 13% to 1.36 mmt.

According to a Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) report by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), domestic consumption of tangerine is also expected to increase by 16% to 860,000 mt based on increased supply.

With the export season having started well in September, the report predicts tangerine exports for 2021/22 to reach 500,000 mt, 8% higher than the previous season’s traded quantity due to heightened supply.

Russia and the European Union remain Morocco’s top export markets for the commodity, and the country is looking to increase tangerine exports to the UK after its departure from the European Union.

Meanwhile, orange production is forecast at 1.15 mmt, up 11% over MY 2020/21. Post estimates domestic consumption of fresh oranges at 975,000 mt, an increase of 9% for the previous season.

Orange exports are set to reach 120,000 mt, 25% more than the previous exported amount and deliveries to processors are estimated up to 55,000 mt. With more available supplies for processing, orange juice production is estimated to increase by 10%.

Domestic consumption is forecasted to reach 4,700 mt, up 4% over the previous season on higher available supply.

Despite the double-digit growth to be exhibited by most types of citrus fruits, lemon and lime production for 2021/22 is set to reach 45,000 mt, about 2% higher than 2020/21.