Africa’s leading commodities player, AFEX, unveiled its 2023 Crop Production report in a hybrid event hosted at its Abuja office on 16 November 2023
Falu’s new millet song featuring Indian PM Narendra Modi nominated for Grammy Awards 2024
Mumbai-born singer-songwriter, Falguni Shah’s (Falu) ‘Abundance in Millets’ song has been nominated for the 2024 Grammy Awards under the Best Global Music Performance Category
IFAD presents first sustainable bonds impact report at London Stock Exchange
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will be presenting its first sustainable bonds impact report at the London Stock Exchange on 21 November 2023
Agri-food leaders express optimism about industry’s ability to create sustainable food system, Alltech survey reveals
The Alltech Sustainability Insights report which released on 26 October revealed that agri-food leaders around the world held faith in the industry’s ability to work together to create a better, more sustainable food system
Boosting resilience of global avocado supply chains
Leading multinational supplier of avocados, Westfalia Fruit unveils their forward-looking approach to address the numerous challenges faced by industries worldwide