

The pineapple farmers in Ghana are required to have professional training in order to achieve higher yields through more sustainable agriculture, according to a team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (ifW)

András Szabó, the ambassador of Hungary to Ghana, has underscored the importance of innovation and research for the development of Ghana’s agricultural sector in his speech at the recent Ghanaian-Hungarian Agriculture Forum held in Accra

ProVeg International will discuss the role of animal agriculture at COP23, the latest round of climate talks following the Paris Agreement, which is going to be held from 6-17 November 2017, in Bonn in Germany

The farmers in Tanzania are encouraged to grow elite varieties of vegetables, enriched with high-value nutritional content, in order to fight malnutrition, hunger and double agricultural productivity and income of smallholders

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