His Excellence Abdoulaye Bio Tchané, Minister of State for Planning and Development of the Republic of Benin, and The Right Honorable Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima, Vice President of the Republic of Malawi co-chaired the first meeting of The Malabo Montpellier Forum in Cotonou, Benin
IoT to revolutionise agricultural sector
The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to transform the agricultural sector, but it has left many agritech companies concerned by the cyber threats associated with the technology
AfDB supports Namibia’s agriculture sector
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved US$70mn loan to finance Namibia’s agricultural mechanisation and seed improvement project (NAMSIP)
Rolls-Royce to deliver new gas engines for tomato greenhouses
Rolls-Royce has entered a contract with Tuinbouwbedrijf Marc Pittoors (T.B.M.P) BVBA, for the supply of a 7 MWe combined heat and power plant (CHP) to provide heat and power to a new tomato greenhouse in Belgium
South Africa amends Agri-BEE sector code to boost the country’s agri-business
Dr Rob Davies, minister of trade and industry in South Africa, has gazetted the amended AgriBEE sector code for implementation by entities in both public and private sector, aiming to transform the agriculture sector in the country