

By Dr Terry Mabbett

The recently elected new Government in Ghana is steaming ahead with free thinking and free market policies for agriculture with the ultimate aim of food self sufficiency.

Dr Terry Mabbett describes the theory and practice of successfully treating black pod and stem canker in West Africa with the application of cuprous oxide.

With commodity aid from the World Food Programme running at record levels Ronald Watts reviews the potential for growing much more right here in Africa WHILE THE INVASIONS of large-scale commercial farms in Zimbabwe have had a disastrous effect on both exports and production for home consumption, other African countries have benefitted from the expertise of those who have moved elsewhere.

p>With commodity aid from the World Food Programme running at record levels Ronald Watts reviews the potential for growing much more right here in Africa WHILE THE INVASIONS of large-scale commercial farms in Zimbabwe have had a disastrous effect on both exports and production for home consumption, other African countries have benefitted from the expertise of those who have moved elsewhere.