Estrus monitoring to maximise success in cattle breeding

Monitoring estrus intensity in cattle helps optimise reproduction and can be done efficiently with visual estrus detection aids. (Image source: ESTROTECT)

Although all estrus cycles are not the same for individual females within a herd, it is one of the most important indicators of whether a cow or heifer will be successfully bred

Animal reproduction professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada, Ronaldo Cerri, PhD is carrying out research work to improve cattle fertility by identifying which cows and heifers are the best candidates to breed using tactics like artificial insemination (AI) and embryo transfer (ET), with estrus intensity as the deciding factor.

Cattle have typical baseline activity when they aren’t in estrus. When they start to enter estrus, their activity rises as the intensity of the estrus increases. Pinpointing when estrus is about to peak is crucial to a successful pregnancy. 

After analysing extensive data from estrus detection sensors, Cerri and other researchers have pinpointed patterns based on what’s occurring during estrus. Cows exhibiting low estrus intensity tend to have lower concentrations of progesterone during the growth of the ovulatory follicle and fail to ovulate more often than those with high estrus intensity. Similarly, ET recipients that show high estrus intensity have more consistent pregnancy results.

“The patterns are very consistent in many of the studies we do,” said Cerri. “Cows with lower estrus intensity always display less physical activity, but they also have lower pregnancy rates. On the flip side, cows with high estrus intensity display more activity and have higher pregnancy rates.”

Evaluating estrus intensity

Using heat detection tools to evaluate estrus intensity can help to pick and choose which cows are the best candidates to breed at a particular time. While implementing a mass breeding protocol, offers the option to use estrus intensity to direct choices on what type of genetics to use.

With breeding indicator patches, estrus can be monitored by looking for patches that have 50% or more of the surface ink rubbed off as being in high estrus intensity and are ready to breed. Females with less than 50% of the surface ink rubbed off are in low estrus intensity and could be bred with lower-cost genetics or bred later when they have reached high estrus intensity.
With millions of units sold around the world, the ESTROTECT Breeding Indicator is the industry standard for optimising cattle breeding efficiency and economics which has been tested in a multitude of university studies by researchers.