
Namibia removes livestock ban in Zambezi

The Namibian Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry is seeking to lift restrictions on livestock movement in the Zambezi region, if no new cases of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) are identified

A total of 22,067 cattle were vaccinated against anthrax in the eastern Zambezi Region along the ChobeRiver, while five cattle died of the disease at Shaile village in December 2013, the ministry said.

A ring vaccination has already been implemented within a 20 km radius which saw 10,649 cattle vaccinated against anthrax.

Restrictions will be lifted on 17 February if no new cases come to light, according to the acting chief veterinary officer in the directorate of veterinary services in the ministry Dr Johnanes Shoopala.

“Disease surveillance was intensified in the entire region and a total of 47 cases were detected. This action was taken in terms of the Animal Health Act No. 1 of 2011, Shoopala said.

Shoopla revealed that the restrictions were put in place on livestock movement following the discovery of FMD in the Ivilivinzi, Masikili and Ikumwe crush pen areas.

“Following the detection of FMD movement restrictions among other measures were enforced to establish the full extent of the outbreak,” Shoopala added.