
Namibia sees a rise in cattle export

A total of 315,198 cattle were exported from Namibia in 2017, as compared to 164 220 in 2016, said Martha Namundjebo-Tilahun, board chairperson of Meatco

As reported in The Namibian, she stated that the country was going through tough economic times which include drought and a decline in cattle numbers available for slaughter. Therefore, she urged Meatco members to consider ways to achieve sustainability of Namibia’s meat industry.

"The country's meat industry is under immense pressure and is facing serious challenges which include, among others, its sustainability," she said to the source.

She further warned that if the situation continues, it can cause significant threats like unemployment, poverty, and inequality. She further urged the government to take strategic steps that would impact the country’s businesses in a positive way.

Jannie Breytenbach, acting chief executive officer of Meatco, further revealed that about 81, 984 animals were slaughtered during the year, said the source.

Breytenbach said the group recorded revenue of US$100mn in 2017 but incurred a net loss of US$3.78mn, particularly because of the less amount of cattle slaughtered, said the source.