
Supporting animal and public health with veterinary vaccination

On the World Animal Vaccination Day on 20 April, NOAH chair Jamie Brannan highlighted the benefits of vaccination to support the health and welfare of the nation’s farmed and companion animals and how that supports the public health

NOAH chair said that vaccines play a crucial role in preserving and protecting animal health and welfare, productivity, sustainability and resilience of farms, thus underpinning the whole food supply chain. “They support the delivery of NOAH’s Vision of Animal Health and Welfare in the UK. Vaccination of our companion animals, so important to our own mental and physical health, helps keep them safe from disease and also reduce the likelihood of disease transmission in the animal population.”

“At this time, the health and safety of animal owners and the veterinary team is paramount. We must follow Government advice and companion animal owners should contact their veterinary surgeon to discuss any vaccination needs for their pet at this time.”

“We are working with others to help improve understanding of the benefits, as well as the safety, efficacy and working mechanisms, of vaccination through our #VaccinesWork campaign.”