HatchTech, a global provider of incubation technology, and Pas Reform, a global supplier of integrated hatchery solutions, have entered into a long-term global strategic patent agreement covering post-hatch early feeding for day-old chicks
British retailer Tesco updates farmed salmon standards
Tesco PLC is updating its salmon standards to increase the use of more sustainable aquafeed ingredients like EPA & DHA rich algal oil
Diversey directs dairy hygiene challenges in South Africa
Diversey, dairy farming hygiene solutions provider, has addressed dairy hygiene challenges in South Africa and effective solutions to be implemented in the herd
Enzymatically treated soybean meal improves performance in birds: Hamlet Protein
Hamlet Protein presented a trial, carried out at Southern Poultry Feed and Research, at Poultry Science Association, held in Montreal, Canada, from 15-18 July
ASC releases revisions for freshwater trout and salmon standard
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) has updated salmon standard and freshwater trout standard following a rigorous multi-stakeholder and science-based review process