Cranswick Poultry PLC (Cranswick) has joined forces with Marel Poultry to install 15,000 bph processing line at Cranswick’s new greenfield primary processing plant in Suffolk, the UK
New opportunity for returning migrants in Burkina Faso on livestock farming
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM), in collaboration with the government of Burkina Faso and with funding from the European Union (EU), is supporting the establishment of livestock farmer groups in Burkina Faso
Climate-friendly labriculture depends on an energy revolution: Oxford study
Comparison of the greenhouse gases produced by lab-grown and farm-raised beef in the current energy system suggests that the benefits of reducing methane could be outweighed by increased CO2, according to a study from the livestock, environment and people (LEAP) programme at the Oxford Martin School
AgriChemWhey builds first-of-a-kind dairy biorefinery
With an aim to tackle the dairy waste issues, AgriChemWhey is building a never-before industrial-scale biorefinery in the South East region of Ireland, which will have the capacity to valorise more than 25,000 tonnes per annum, of excess Whey Permeate (WP) and De-lactosed Whey Permeate (DLP)
New EU- Morocco fisheries partnership including Western Sahara
Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have adopted new fisheries partnership with Morocco including Western Sahara, which aims to sets fishing opportunities for EU vessels and promote sustainable fishing policy in the region