
Microtech increases energy levels and nutrient digestibility in pigs

Microtech is a preparation of six phytase which makes phytate-bound phosphorus, that naturally occur in plant feed, and is available to animals

This product can be used as a partial substitute for inorganic phosphate supplementation in the feed and reduce excretion of phosphorus with manure.

The product has been sold in many countries so far, and the efficiency of Microtech has been evaluated and proved by many commercial farms, research institutes and universities.

Some research programmes used Microtech for independent scientific study. Once such scientific research, conducted recently, and published in Livestock Science, provides further details about the use of Microtech.

The research was funded in the UK by the Department for International Development (DFID), under the Climate Impacts Research Capacity and Leadership Enhancement (CIRCLE) programme. As part of the programme, an international research team from Ghana, Nigeria and the United Kingdom aimed to evaluate the effect of phytase on the energy levels and the nutrient digestibility of growing pigs, fed with a different crude level protein diet that is balanced with limiting AA (Lys, Met, Thr and Trp).

microtechIn this trial, phytase from VTR Biotech was used in the form of Microtech 5000. In addition to increasing the P availability, Microtech also increases ATTD and AID of nutrients and energy with different levels of crude protein (Figure 1). AID of Ala, Cys, Gly, Ser and Tyr were recorded with pigs fed with 18% CP diet supplemented with Microtech, and it improved AID of all the essential amino acids.

Guangdong VTR Bio-Tech has been focusing on the industrial application of bio-medicine and bio-agriculture since its inception, in 1991. Bio-enzyme preparation, biomedicine, and animal nutrition and health are three of its main industries.