
Trouw Nutrition launches swine feed recommendation app

The Netherlands-based Trouw Nutrition has launched an online swine feed recommendation application for every phase of pig production

Currently, reference source consultation and calculation is done manually to determine the optimal combination of feed components. The new online swine recommendation application has automated these steps to deliver faster and more reliable results. The modelling behind the application is based on the latest nutritional scientific norms.

The online tool helps farmers to determine the ideal feed formulation for breeding, growing and finishing swine, based on a wide variety of variables. The tool is capable of taking real-time variables into consideration. These include environmental factors such as temperature and health status, as well as management factors such as the nutritional energy system (i.e. metabolic or net energy) that is being used. The result includes recommendations on nutrients, vitamins, minerals, protein, feed additives and raw materials.

The feed recommendations generated by the online application are compiled from three different sources. The first is the research carried out in the global research centres of Trouw Nutrition over the past few years. The other two are the most recent industry literature and data, and best-practice insights and experience acquired by Trouw Nutrition experts in the field.

To access the swine feed recommendation app, users need to register on

Trouw Nutrition has been a part of Nutreco N.V. since 1994.