
AMINOHen® The egg industry nutrition software

Balanced feed is essential to sustainable egg production and in-depth knowledge of nutrient requirements is the key to effective diet design, yet gaining a full and current overview can be challenging, as it usually involves reviewing multiple sources, such as country animal nutritional guidelines, genetic management guides, animal nutrition textbooks etc

In addiction to the challenge, is the fact that most of these information sources are not updated regularly, especially in the context of modern genetic layer development. Nutritional requirements available are presented in fixed feeding programs in the form of a table without consideration of the impact of different production environments, bird age, housing system, nutrient density, feed intake or biological performance target.

Evonik Animal Nutrition is working on solutions to make egg production more sustainable. As a specialist in animal nutrition, we focus on efficient feeding of laying hens. With the new software AMINOHen®, egg producers, feed compounders, laying hen breeders, and other players in the value chain can optimize layer feeds with regard to nutritional requirements and feed costs. Evonik provides nutritional recommendations for laying hens under different production conditions, such as animal breed, bird age, or housing system. The software is based on the most current nutritional concepts for laying hens from poultry institutions, Evonik research, and commercial feeding practices around the world.

AMINOHen® is a digital solution that combines the most up-to-date nutritional concepts for laying hens in production from poultry institutions, Evonik Animal Research and commercial feeding practices around the world. The software presents nutrient requirements for laying hens under different production conditions in dynamic and flexible week-long feeding programs, adapted to the needs of modern genetically advanced layers.

AMINOHen® lets you design up to 15 feeding phases along 100 weeks of layer age, generating dynamic and flexible week-long feeding programs, the software sets up nutritional recommendations based on specific feed intake or energy level in the diet, estimating feed intake per feeding phase for better feed production planning AMINOHen® enables you to adjust nutritional recommendations for maximum egg mass or egg market needs, controlling egg size or pushing up egg weight along the laying cycle AMINOHen® offers the option of designing a feeding program including 'pre-peaking' diet.

AMINOHen® is founded on the nutritional concepts for laying hens from poultry institutions, Evonik research, and commercial feeding practices around the world. The use of balanced amino acids diets is important to reach the maximum genetic potential, Evonik Animal Research team has developed and validated “Ideal amino acid profile” as a base for optimal laying hen performance. However amino acids are part of the whole success, there are other important Nutrients to consider achieving a great egg, especially the ones related to eggshell quality. AMINOHen® also provides mineral recommendations and proper distribution of coarse particle of calcium in the feed.

AMINOHen® provides nutritional recommendations for laying hens under different production conditions, such as animal breed, bird age, or housing system. The creation of feeding programs using individual production data or uploaded performance data from one of 36 commercial layer breeds. The most comprehensive solution is based on production data from Layinsight-Porphyrio® for precise nutrition. It allows the most accurate nutritional recommendations outcome according to each farm and flock conditions.

AMINOHen® is helpful with the feed manufacturing planning, it can be configurated as metabolizable energy needed in the feed and get an estimation of feed intake per bird per feeding phase, or directly indicating the feed intake expected and the system will provide the Energy needed per bird. Applying nutrient density diets concepts and feed cost, the user can find out the most cost-efficient feeding program.