
Astral Foods to open Mozpintos hatchery in Mozambique

South African poultry producer Astral Foods has announced the launch of its new Mozpintos broiler hatchery in Mozambique

The hatchery will have a capacity for 158,000 day-old chicks per week and will operate the Ross 308 broiler.

“The Ross 308 is well known to the Mozambique market and delivers excellent growth performance,” said managing director of Astral’s African operations, Roedolf Steenkamp.

“Our business plan for Africa began by entering a market with feed premixes and concentrates, followed by feed production (Meadow Mozambique Limitada) and then identifying the most viable option to enter the poultry industry.

“This enables us to implement our strategy, integrating good animal nutrition with a poultry business, leading to committed investments in Africa,” Steenkamp added.

Construction commenced in 2011 on an estimated 26 ha of land, 45km southwest of the capital city Maputo.

Under construction already is a parent breeder farm, which will be built among three exisiting poultry houses that are being renovated to house broiler breeders.